Project Resurgence: Blog 2
Progress from 9/12 - 10/10
I have continued to work on level 2 and it's development. However, shortly after my last blog post, the game designer expressed that my level and level 3 weren't what he had envisioned for the game. So he asked us to start over with fresh levels and annotated maps.Here is a look at my previous annotated map for my old level:
As you can see the map is very linear. The reason I made my first map this way was that the design document had an emphasis on linear progression and linear hallways within the Cathedral level. However, I had taken that statement too literally. The Game Designer didn't want linear levels but linear progression throughout the level with little to no backtracking/exploration.
The Game Designer said he wanted paths to split off into their own separate pathing, instead of just small splits. These paths would be quicker and more challenging.
My partner Daniel and I then set forth to make a new level 2 with more of what the designer had in mind.
Here is the new Level 2 Annotated Map we came up with (It's divided into upper and lower sections)
Here is the lower section:
Here is the upper section:
Here is a link to the Word Doc for the Map:
This map has much more of an emphasis on separate and more optimal pathing. Lower sections tend to consist of slower but easier platforming or dodging. While higher pathing is more challenging but much quicker.
The overall emphasis of the level is to teach players how to combine level mechanics.
Initially, we had sections with Wall Rides but about a week ago we were told that wall rides were being cut from the game. So my partner and I took out the wall rides and replaced them with other level mechanics/platforming. However, we were told by our lead recently that they are now going to be back in the game. So, we will most likely update the map back with Wall Rides soon.
We were then told to block out our levels. I don't have screenshots of our initial block out but I can show you where we are at currently with the level.
After our initial block outs, we had an internal playtest with our fellow level designers. We all critiqued and received feedback on our levels.
The biggest issue that we were critiqued on in our level was that there wasn't enough to do if you fell. So we added in sections on the base floor where the player had to do platforming or dodging. Some of these sections consist of bobbing and weaving through pews, dodging groups of pillars, or simple platforming. We also updated our annotated map and word document based on our new changes.
Here is a look at some screenshots of our level in its current state (These aren't screenshots of the entire level but different parts of the level):
Recently we were tasked with preparing our level as much as we could for the playtest on 10/10 this was assigned to us on 10/3. Our lead, however, needed the level by 10/8 at midnight so it could be put into the build for the playtest on 10/10. The most important factor was that our level was functional. During this time we updated the art assets and added lighting/roofing to our block out as seen in the pictures above. Our initial block out didn't have the updated art assets, the lighting or the roof.
We received an updated build from programming on 10/7 that had the updated character controller. So I spent a lot of time adjusting the level for the new character controller, for the playtest on 10/10.
So far those are all the tasks I have had so far. I've completed everything so far. It's been busy and I've been trying my best to make the level the best it can be. I look forward to the playtest and improving our level even further.
During the playtest on 10/10, we will observe people playing our level and will receive feedback. After that, we will most likely make adjustments based on the feedback received.
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