Game Scene: Progress 5

Game Scene Progress 5:

I made some more progress on my gun for our game scene. This week I got the high poly gun fully UVed and Color IDed. I wanted to start the texturing process for this gun but I recently got sick so I haven't had as much time as I would like to work on it. However, with the way I have scheduled my time out thus far I still have plenty of time to get it fully textured.

To start out with UVing the high poly model was much harder than I anticipated. I added many intricate details to the gun which made UVing take longer than I expected. UVing the pieces didn't give me too much trouble it was just time consuming. 

Something that helped this process is that I UVed the base gun earlier so I didn't have to re-UV everything at this stage. Although this did save me some time, I did have to go back to some already UVed pieces and re-UV them because I added different deformations, extrusions, etc. to the high poly model.

High Poly UV Map Layout

Above is my UV map layout which I'm not completely satisfied with because some of the pieces are lower resolution than I would like. I didn't really now how to fix this issue besides having less pieces on my gun so I could make them a higher resolution. 

Something to consider is that most of these pieces are small and don't need a ton of resolution to achieve the look I'm going for. They also won't have really intricate detail so it should be fine.

High Poly Color ID

I also prepped for texturing the gun by Color IDing it. This will help considerably in the texturing phase because I can use the Color ID mask within Substance Painter to texture multiple things at a time. 

I wish I could have got a little bit further than I did this week but I still have a good amount of time to get the high poly gun textured. Thankfully when I planned my schedule out, I made sure to leave some extra time. Within the next week I plan on getting the high poly gun fully textured. I think texturing the high poly gun is going to be a ton of fun!


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